Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We got problems

I remember watching this video a few years back, I would put the video up, but it's not that important. There was one line in the video that I found to be very true, although it was said in a joking context.

"You have pressure, I have pressure, we all have pressure"

And there was this other quote, I'm pretty sure I'm misquoting it but it goes something like

"We're not judged by the problems we have, we're judged by how we handle them."

Basically, everyone has problems, big or small, and we all need to deal with it some way, some how. And sometimes, there is nothing you can do to fix the problem, so what do people do?

Some eat ice cream, some hit things, some run miles, and some sleep.

Most of us do these things to get our minds off our troubles.

What do I do?

I skip rocks.

This is weird because I have never skipped a single rock as a child. The closest thing I remember that resembles skipping rocks is when I was in elementary school, my parents would take me to this DimSum place on a peninsula, and after we finish eating, I would go out to the shore to throw rocks as far as I can.

As I grew older, I watched several movies where rock skipping was made to look SOOOOOO COOOOOOL! I just HAD to learn it.

So as a teenager with more freedom, whenever I had the opportunity, I would go to the local duck pond, lake, beach, whatever, and just start throwing rocks.

The more I went, the better I was at it.

So what's the point of this whole anecdote of me throwing rocks as a kid?

Well, for me, during the short time I'm at the lake or pond, all I can think of is skipping the rock as many times as I can. That's it.

All the stresses from school, family, and friends seem to disappear. They didn't matter. All that was in my head was "find a flat rock, throw it!"

We all need that "escape". So instead of eating a tub of chocolate ice cream or crying yourself to sleep, I suggest everyone to give rock skipping a chance. In a way, you're literally throwing away your problems! ;D

1 comment:

SelinaWoong said...

Timbo! Just saying hi(: