Monday, July 13, 2009

Re: i want to love again

This is a response to my friend John's blog. (
Well, originally it was just for John, but since summer meets the half way mark, I realize that I will probably be far away from those I spent my high school years with, so in a way, this blog will be universal. But because everyone is different, not everything will apply. So deep down, this is still for John Lee, but for the most part, it applies to what I have to say to everyone I've loved (whether it's romantic love, bromance, friendships, or teammates) and made a difference in my life.

Although your physical ties to your past will be broken when you move to Florida, your emotional ties will always be there. No matter how far you go, the people from your past will always be with you. The experiences you had with certain people has changed the person you are, whether you realize it or not. So when you're in Florida, 3000 miles away, the people you knew in the bay area will show up in the way you act, the way you speak, the decisions you make. You will NEVER be able to get away, no matter how far you go. This also mean you'll never be alone. When things are bringing you down, you can always call, email, instant message a friend from high school and no matter how little you knew that person, they will be more than willing to listen to your problems and give the best advice possible. I know I will be there to give you whatever advice I have to give.

We've argued and antagonized each other in the past, but you helped me grow. You have changed my life, and my moral compass. Many times when I face a dilemma, I would think "What would John Lee do?" no matter how corny that sounds, it's true. John, you were a great person, teammate, friend, and inspiration to me.

Because of that, I know you'll get far in life. You are the only person I know that steps out of the conventional mold to pursue his/her own dreams. For that, I respect you.

I hope we keep in touch, you are definitely a person who is one in a million.

I'll end this with just a few more words.

"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans"
-John Lennon

Your time in the Bay is diminished to a few weeks. But these few weeks will seem like an eternity when you're down to just a few hours. Cherish these days. Make the most out of it, because when you're busy planning for the future, you are missing the present. And sometimes, life will throw you a curve ball and disrupt all your plans. It'll be as if you've never planned at all.

So do what you feel like doing, but don't be reckless.


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